Selected publications

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d_decipiens Edwards‐Calma, K., Jiménez, L., Zenil‐Ferguson, R., Heyduk, K., Thomas, M. K., & Tribble, C. M. "Conservation applications of niche modeling: Native and naturalized ferns may compete for limited Hawaiian dryland habitat." Applications in Plant Sciences e11598,(2014). Cover.
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Induction and thickening Plunkert, Madison L., Jesús Martínez-Gómez, Yesenia Madrigal, Adriana I. Hernández and Carrie M. Tribble. "Tuber, or not tuber: Molecular and morphological basis of underground storage organ development." Current Opinions in Plant Biology 80, (2024).
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divrates Martínez-Gómez, Jesús, Michael J. Song, Carrie M. Tribble, Bjørn T. Kopperud, William A. Freyman, Sebastian Höhna, Chelsea D. Specht, and Carl J. Rothfels. "Commonly used Bayesian diversification methods lead to biologically meaningful differences in branch-specific rates on empirical phylogenies." Evolution Letters 8, no. 2 (2024): 189-199. Cover.
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Bomarea Tribble, Carrie M., Fernando Alzate-Guarín, Etelvina Gándara, Araz Vartoumian, John Gordon Burleigh, Rosana Zenil-Ferguson, Chelsea D. Specht, and Carl J. Rothfels. "The rapid radiation of Bomarea (Alstroemeriaceae: Liliales), driven by the rise of the Andes." Evolution 78, no. 2 (2024): 221-236. Editor's Choice and Cover.
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Bomarea pastazensis Clark, John L., Alisson Fierro-Minda, Nolan Exe, Mia Johnson, Carrie M. Tribble, and Lou Jost. "Bomarea pastazensis (Alstroemeriaceae), an exceptionally small new species from the eastern Andean slopes of Ecuador." PhytoKeys 235 (2023): 31.
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Stochastic maps Tribble, Carrie M., Michael R. May, Abigail Jackson-Gain, Rosana Zenil-Ferguson, Chelsea D. Specht, and Carl J. Rothfels. "Unearthing modes of climatic adaptation in underground storage organs across Liliales." Systematic Biology 72, no. 1 (2023): 198-212.
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