Join the lab!
Come join us!! The Tribble Lab will be opening in Fall 2024, at the University of Washington. The lab will be jointly affiliated with the UW Department of Biology and the Burke Museum.
Scope of projects
Projects in the lab should address plant evolutionary biology, preferably within one of two themes: (1) the processes generating biodiversity, particularly in the American tropics or Hawai’i (includes plant systematics, biogeography, and diversification), and (2) the evolution of morphological convergence, particularly projects that synthesize across levels of biological organization (including macromorphology, genomics, and plant anatomy). Most projects focus on an empirical question as well as push the bounds of existing phylogenetic methods; projects that tend more towards purely empirical or purely computational development may also be a good fit. While most of the lab’s work focuses on monocots and ferns, projects on other plants that address these themes might also be considered. See the research page of my website for more on current/ past projects.
Prospective graduate students
If you are a prospective student interested in joining the lab, I encourage you to reach out over summer and early fall, in advance of the December 1st 2024 application deadline. Please fill out this Google form to express interest in the lab. I will not respond to email inquiries, only to form responses (if you have technical trouble with the form, please do contact me over email ).
Prospective undergraduate students
We welcome undergraduate students looking for research experience in plant evolutionary biology and biodiversity! Opportunities for undergraduate students will be limited in Fall, 2024, due to lab set up. If you are a current UW undergrad interested in research opportunities in the lab, please email me once the Fall quarter has begun with:
- A brief (2-3 sentence) description of your research interests
- A short description of any past research experience and/ or relevant coursework (none is required, but this information will help gauge what projects might be the best fit for you)
- Your availability (hours per week) for research during the quarter
- Your resume or CV
Prospective postdocs
I will be recruiting a postdoctoral researcher to start sometime early 2025. If you are a prospective postdoc, please send me an email with your CV and a bit about your research interests/ experience. I also encourage potential postdoctoral researchers who may be interested in applying for external fellowships to email me to discuss project ideas and opportunities!